Everything to know about

Baked Pie Company

4 Long Shoals Road | Arden, NC

Located in South Asheville

About Baked Pie Company

Baked Pie Company is featured on our best restaurants in Asheville list. Check it out to get all of the info on where we love to eat as locals! Their pie flights are also featured on our Best Ice Cream in Asheville List and our fun things to do with kids in Asheville list.

Baked Pie Company is the perfect place to go when you just need to have… you guessed it… pie! With a range of pie types and flavors, you can order by the slice or get the whole pie. Oh, and two words: PIE. FLIGHT. That’s right, a pie flight!! You can choose any three pie flavors and enjoy them with a scoop of ice cream. Sign us up!

Baked Pie Company
4 Long Shoals Road
Arden, North Carolina 28704

Articles featuring Baked Pie Company